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Practitioner training guide. A street and peer violence prevention programme

Autore/i: ESCAPE Project partnership
Editore: European Federation for Street Children, 2012

1. Introduction and contextualisation: Anti-Violence Project as a background and the Daphne III Framework Priorities as goals

2. Mapping and results: mapping of the phenomenon of violence against children and of the intervention strategies addressed to this group

3. Theoretical framework: setting the context through an analysis of the existing theories in three areas
3.1. Violence against children
3.2. Migrant children
3.3. Intervention methods through re-inforcement of like-skills methods

4. Bibliography: a selection of books and publications relevant to the phenomenon

5. Street and Peer Violence Prevention Programme: a Practitioner’s Training Guide with tools and intervention methods for the prevention of street and peer violence in Europe
5.1. Pedagogical structure and methodology
5.2. Thematic Units – Activity session for the self-empowerment of minors
5.3. Recommendations
5.4. Annexes – Tool for the implementation of the sessions

6. Monitoring tools and indicative results: an insight into the results obtained during the piloting phase – Practitioner’s Training Guide tested in six EU countries
6.1. Reference target
6.2. Survey Methodology
6.3. The results

7. What next? Promoting the follow up and use of the programme
7.1. Validation
7.2. Dissemination (National Training Seminars)

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