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CATCH & SUSTAIN - European Cross-Actors Exchange Platform for Trafficked Children on Methodology Building for Prevention and Sustainable Inclusion

Years: 2013, 2014, 2015
Programme: Prevention of and Fight against Crime (ISEC)
Applicant: European Federation for Street Children
Partner: IAC - Instituto de Apoio à Criança (PT), Pupil Parent Partnership (UK), The Smile of the Child (GR), TPD - Society of the Friends of Children (PL), Associazione Maestri di Strada (IT), Kopin NGO (MT), On the Road Onlus (IT), Evangelicka Diakonia (SK), Ecpat (UK), Terre des Hommes International Federation (BE), Ministero della Giustizia (IT), Difensore civico della Regione Veneto (IT), Observatory on Trafficking in Human Beings (PT), Ministry of Justice (PT), Public Security Police (PT), Commissioner for Children (MT), Ealing Council (UK), Istituto Don Calabria (IT)

Issue and Objectives

The main objective of the project is to contribute to the prevention of child trafficking mainly through training of stakeholders coming into contact with potential child victims on one hand and through empowerment of minors at risk on the other, so as to make them aware of risks and help them protecting themselves. The secondary objective is to assess our prevention strategy and toolkits, complementing existing experiences, increasing knowledge on vulnerable profiles and introducing innovative data collection methodologies which rely on the protagonism of service providers encouraging the constitution of cooperative anti-trafficking action plan between different agencies (social, educative, judicial, law enforcement, etc) working in the same field, increasing the prevention potential of the intervention strategies. The project wants to mainstream the main deliverable at European level supporting, this way, also the development of an anti-trafficking European network that includes non governmental social service providers.


The project is articulated in the following activities:
  • collection of literature, expertise and knowledge on the characteristics, threatens that children maybe exposed to and specific needs of the minors at risk of Human Trafficking;
  • collection of all the existing good practices at international level on how to deal with population at risk of Human Trafficking, in order to align the equips’ expertise before the definition and implementation of an intervention model;
  • involvement of local stakeholders in each country in order to operate an in-depth discussion on vulnerabilities and risks of trafficking particular groups of minors may be exposed to and in order to analyze and discuss the state of art of practices in every local context, to assess specific training needs;
  • design of an intervention model based on preventive approach targeted to minors at risk for Trafficking in Human Beings;
  • deliver of the interventions according to the guidelines defined at transnational level addressing activities to some specific reference population, such as street children, unaccompanied minors, children left behind, Roma children, early school leaving children, children from poor and dysfunctional families, children living in institutions;
  • evaluation of the results of the intervention through an assessment methodology;
  • dissemination and mainstreaming of the results through web strategy, local seminars and a Final Conference.

Results and products

  • Training programme on child trafficking dynamics to vulnerable minors.
  • Final transnational intervention package for the prevention of child trafficking and for the empowerment of children at risk (the package will include guidelines and a comprehensive training modules to enable operators and officials to use the tools)

Contact person: Marta Distaso

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