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Reducing prison population: advanced tools of justice in Europe

Years: 2014, 2015, 2016
Programme: Criminal Justice
Applicant: Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII
Partner: Crime Prevention Fund IGA (BG), Providus Centre for Public Policy (LV), University of Dundee (UK), Generatie Tanara Romania (RO), ISC-SIC International Society of Criminology (BE), Università di Bologna (IT), University of Applied Sciences - Bremen (DE)

Issue and Objectives

The activities of the project are aimed at improving the knowledge and at exchanging innovative measures of practices alternative to imprisonment, both in pre and in post trial phase. The first step of activities regards the collection of information both from scientific literature (in order to enlarge the knowledge on pre and post trial non custodial measures with an update of relevant legislation) and from research activities (in order to collect the existing practices on alternatives to detention in the 7 countries involved in the project - IT, BG, LV, GB, RO, FR, DE).
The second step of the project concerns the identification of good practices in each country and the definition of a first draft of Guidelines for the implementation of alternatives to detention and for the definition of a Training Package targeted to staff working in services providing alternatives to prison settings.
The project also foresees the involvement of an external experts committee, in order to implement a feasibility study of the Training Package and a transferability study of the Guidelines.
Objectives of the project are:
  • to enlarge the knowledge on pre and post trial non custodial measures, with an updating of relevant legislation, as well as their costs and effectiveness;
  • to map the existing practices related to pre and post trial alternatives to detention through in-depth interviews, which can highlight their strengths and weaknesses;
  • to collect the existing good practices on pre and post trial alternatives to detention in countries involved in the project, in order to promote a transnational reflection and a debate on methods used in these practices and on results on offenders and victims;
  • to define the Guidelines for the implementation of alternatives to prison in European Countries, in order to provide a model to be followed according to national legislations;
  • to define the Training Package targeted to operators and professionals working on services providing alternatives to detention;
  • to get a validation of the training package and to make the guidelines transferable to other European context, thanks to the involvement of some external experts;
  • to communicate and mainstream the main results of the project through different communication channels.


  • Enlarging of the knowledge on pre and post-trial non custodial measures, with an update of relevant legislation, as well as an analysis of their costs and effectiveness and a specific attention to the effects of these practices on psychological conditions of the victims of the crimes.
  • Mapping of the existing practices related to pre and post trial alternatives to detention, mainly through in-depth interviews to highlight strengths and weaknesses and to select some indications for the identification of the good practices.
  • Collection and understanding of existing good practices on pre and post trial alternatives to detention in countries involved in the project, in order to share different experiences between project partners as well as to promote a transnational reflection and a debate on methods used in these practices and on results on offenders and victims.
  • Draft of the Guidelines for the implementation of alternatives to prison and of the Training Package targeted to operators and professionals working on services providing alternatives to detention.
  • Transferability study of the Guidelines and feasibility study of the Training Package, by an external experts committee.
  • Finalization of the Guidelines and of the Training Package.
  • Communication and mainstreaming of the main results of the project through different communication channels, with a specific Final Conference and some dedicated National Seminars targeted to stakeholders, professionals and judicial referees.

Results and products

  • Realization of the Project Website to share the results and the outputs of the project with free access to all stakeholders interested in deepening the key issues implemented by the project.
  • Realization of a final document containing the Guidelines for the implementation of alternatives to detention targeted to referees of judicial systems of the country involved in the project.
  • Realization of a final document containing the Training Package with some operative indications coming from good practices related to alternatives to prison.
  • CD-ROM containing the Training Package and the Guidelines.
  • A Final Conference in Brussels will be held at the conclusion of project activities in order to present the project results, the main contents of Guidelines and of Training Package to a specific target composed by DG Justice policy officers and LIBE Committee MEPS. Moreover a National Seminar will be implemented in every country, in order to present the Guidelines and the Training Package with a specific attention to the peculiar aspects characterizing the single national context.

Additional information

Project website: http://www.reducingprison.eu
Contact person: Marta Distaso

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