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Roundtable on gender-based violence at the European Parliament

The event is organized in the framework of European project "GEMMA against violence: Gender based Empowerment of Migrants through a Multiagency Approach"
The roundtable, with the participation of MEPs Mercedes BRESSO, & Cècile Kashetu KYENGE,  is intended to provide an opportunity for policy and decision makers to address the topic of gender-based
violence against migrant/ethnic minority women and to:
  • - Discuss this topic with professionals working in this area
- Share information and practices
- Promote the implementation and ratification of existing human rights instruments (Istanbul Convention, 2011; UNDAW/DESA, 2008 and Compendium of International Migration Law UN, 2006)
- Promote coordinated multi-sectoral approaches to effectively address the root causes of violence and properly assist migrant/ethnic minority women victims of violence.
Giovanni Viganò (Synergia) will moderate the roundtable.


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