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Surveying needs and expectations in order to implement good policies for the work-life balance

by Giovanni Viganò and Rebecca Zanuso

Mutamento Sociale n.33 - November 2011

Synergia asked to women involved in a series of surveys implemented in the north of Italy on representative samples what they thought were the most interesting policies in this field. The two relevant age groups taken into considerations were the 30-34 years old and the 50-54 years old: the first dealing with maternity and the care of small children; the second with care responsibilities towards different generations. The main findings point to a relevance of policies strictly related to the area of work, specifically the need for an increase of working hours flexibility and the expansion of maternity leaves.

Paper presented at 4th Annual Conference of Espanet Italia
"Innovare il welfare. Percorsi di trasformazione in Italia e in Europa", Milan, Septmber 29th - October 1st 2011

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