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DES: Disabilità e Sviluppo

Years: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Programme: AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development
Applicant: Organismo di Volontariato per la Cooperazione Internazionale la Nostra Famiglia (OVCI)

Issue and Objectives

The objective is to enhance the Integrated Development Model on Community Base – realized with USADC since 2000 – at accessibility level and to spread in Khatoum State with advocacy and networking actions. Accessibility will be enhanced both in coverage and in accessibility to services by disadvantaged population, as well as in multidisciplinary approach. Synergia will carry out the monitoring activities of the project.


1. Training for professionals working in health and rehabilitation system; 2. Extension of activity, reaching 3 orphanages; 3. Health awareness campaigns; 4. Management Committee with parents, teachers and education authorities; 5. Educational support (4 teachers) in the schools; 6. Study paths ad hoc for BcD; 7. Training activities for teachers on inclusive education; 8. Involvement of 4 piloting schools for introduction of methods for alternative teaching; 9. Organization of National day on Inclusive Education, with UNESCO and Ministry of Education; 10. Enhancing of services for labour market insertion; 11. Creation of a dataset of firms to foster the labour market insertion of VTC students; 12. Microfinancing programme for PwD; 13. Enhancing of marketing plan for VTC products; 14. Drafting of National Guidelines for professional inclusion of VTC; 15. Training of RBC operators on social intervention in orphanages; 16. Awareness raising events on PwD rights, also through media; 17. Awareness raising to Local Authorities on social integration of PwD; 18. Training to OSC on design, conflict management and needs assessment; 19. Design of new informational material on disability; 20. National conference for the presentation of USADC integrated model as Best Practice; 21. Sponsorship of the degree course on Medical Science and Physioteraphy.

Results and products

Impact of the project will be found in the following areas: • Health: social-rehabilitation services will be spread and qualitatively enhanced; • Education: >24 BcD will be efficiently include ed in elementary school system; • Sustainability: >30 PwD will be efficiently included in the labour market • Social: RBC service will be extended to 3 orphanages; >5 authorities and >20 local journalists will demonstrate their awareness on social integration rights of PcD; • Empowerment: >2 awareness raising/communication campaign; >6 proposals submitted to local and international donors by local Network NGOs.

Contact person: Giovanni Viganò

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