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Equal Koinè: integration of migrants in the local community and in the labour market

Years: 2005, 2006, 2007
Programme: Equal
Applicant: Unioncamere Lombardia
Partner: Formaper (IT), Comune di Milano (IT), Comune di Brescia (IT), Provincia di Cremona (IT), Provincia di Lecco (IT), CdIE - Centro di Iniziativa Europea (IT), Università Bocconi (IT), Region Wallonie (BE), Junta de Andalucia (ES), Region Nord-Passe de Calais (FR)

Issue and Objectives

This project is aimed at the promotion of life-long learning and the labour integration of victims of discrimination. The main products are: a set of indicators on integration and fight against discrimination on the labour market and within social and health services; transnational comparison among different monitoring systems; case studies; elaboration of a research protocol able to analyse the migratory phenomena; on-line bibliographical archive.


  • Local analysis of immigration phenomenon in each country involved in the project.
  • Intermediate Thematic Seminar on local immigration.
  • Development of a model for local migration analysis aimed at the adoption of transnational research protocols.
  • Activities aimed at managing diversity in a territory of high incidence of foreign resident and entrepreneurship.
  • Development of measures to support employment and social integration of immigrants in the neighborhood of Carmine in Brescia.
  • Dissemination and mainstreaming in each partner country.

Results and products

  • Indicators of integration and to fight discrimination in the labor market and health services at local level: transnational comparison between different monitoring systems.
  • Case Studies: building a model for local migration analysis aimed at the adoption of transnational research protocols.
  • Research report: The logic of public-private network for the management of migration. The case of Carmine, in Brescia.
  • Research report: Metamorphosis of a district of immigration. Comments on recent changes of Carmine, in Brescia.
  • Research report: The business district of Carmine. Between urban innovations, economic changes and new partnerships. The presence of immigrant entrepreneurship.
  • Research report: Territory and local employees. Strategies for transformation and integration of foreign workers.
  • Computerized bibliographic databases HERMES - Virtual Library on Migration in Europe.
  • Publication: F.Grandi, E. Tanzi (edited by), La città meticcia. Riflessioni teoriche e analisi di alcuni casi europei per il governo locale delle migrazioni, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007.
  • Publication: F.Grandi (edited by), Immigrazione e dimensione locale. Strumenti per l'analisi dei processi inclusivi, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2008.

Project website: http://www.alameda2.eu
Contact person: Emilio Gregori

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