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Life after institutional care. Equal opportunities and social inclusion for young people: identification and promotion of best practices

Years: 2008, 2009
Programme: Progress
Applicant: Ai.Bi. - Associazione Amici dei Bambini
Partner: Regione Emilia Romagna (IT), PPSP - Association pour la Prévention et la Promotion de la Santé Psychique (FR), Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (BG), New Bulgarian University (BG), Aproapele (NGO) (RO), Municipality of Bucharest (RO), Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection (RO), Romanian Association of Health Psychology (RO), University of Latvia (LV), Ministry for Children and Family Affairs (LV), Limbazi Centre (NGO) (LV)

Issue and Objectives

The care leavers are post-institutionalised young people that have to leave the residential placements where they have grown when reaching 18 years old. Young care leavers who lived for a long period of time the experience of a protective measure outside their birth-family represent a target-group of persons at great risk of poverty and social exclusion. These young people are often absolutely de-socialised, without any family-relationship, without daily autonomy, without neither skills nor chances for job employment, often without housing opportunities, exposed to different kinds of exploitation such as child trafficking, prostitution, criminal activities, begging, etc. (this is especially true in Eastern European countries), at risk of social and psychological disease and deviance. The project aims at studying their experience of transition to the outside world and evaluating possible services of support they might have received, as well as their main needs.


  • Research area: it focused on the identification of the performances and interventions that characterize paths of social inclusion in favour of young care leavers and on the modalities through which the identified services are monitored.
  • Exchange area: it represented a shared arena of discussion for the partners and other relevant stakeholders where adaptability of previously identified good practices aimed to promote social integration of young care leavers throughout different European areas was encouraged, thanks to specific mutual learning activities.
  • Dissemination area: the project foresaw specific and different communication methods towards target stakeholders, which in complex will form a dissemination strategy.

Results and products

The main results are: a better understanding of the issue of care leaving and of the problems faced by the target and a mapping of the services in place for the transition to the outside world.

The available products are:
  • report about the field phase related to biographic experiences of educators (15 interviews) and care leavers (25 interviews), as well as mapping of services;
  • closed seminars and round tables for actors of the child protection system;
  • open final conference;
  • publication with internationally valid and multilingual guidelines for the social inclusion of care leavers.

Project website: http://www.childout.org
Contact person: Rebecca Zanuso

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